My guide to Success

Violet Hunter
4 min readMay 26, 2022

And how to actually achieve it

Unsplash photo by Pablo Heimplatz

How to get what you want

In order to not be another cog in the machine of a 9–5 or having a boring job you hate, you’re going to have to put yourself out there. You’re going to have to push a little to help get what you want. It’s also going to take some work. You will need to put in a lot of time and effort to get to where you want to end up, but that’s the goal right?

You have to realize that you only have one life. If you’re not doing something you want to do why? Is it because your self conscious that other people will think about you and look down upon yourself? Or that you don’t think you can accomplish it because you’re just not smart enough, or don’t have some sort of skill? These are all things that you can change if you really want to. This is what I’ve come to realize over the past 6 months and I’ve started to put it into action.

One life, body, and brain.

Let me tell you something, you’ve only got one life, one body, and one brain and you can’t change that. You have to work with you’re strengths and what you like in order to have a good, fulfilling life. It doesn’t matter what others are doing, you just need to focus on YOU!

It’s important to realize that you have one life. I assume that you want to live it having the best time and just enjoying yoursef. In order to accomplish this dream life you have to figure out what that dream is, it could be anything. Next, you need to come up with a realistic action plan in order to accompish this. But the important part in this step is being realistic. You can’t write that you will get a million dollars randomlly. You have to plan how you are going to get those one million dollars.

Break things down, if one million is big try making 100 more dollars each month, and put that into savings or stocks. Start small, practice, put in the owrk, and eventually you will get there.

Everything comes to an End

It’s important to enjoy life because everything has an end. This is something I’ve experienced for the first time in the past few years. From graduating high school, to transferring colleges and COVID. It’s not healthy to keep waiting for the next thing, the next vacation, year or graduation.

It’s important to live in the moment. This is something I’ve recently been trying to do which is just enjoying where I’m at right now. Something else that I have been doing recently to implement this is adding one exciting event in my week, even if it’s small. I have also been trying to do one thing that will push me out of my comfort zone. This way I will always be growing and experiencing new things.

During high school I was in the cycle where I was always waiting for it to end. But once high school really did end it was bittersweet. I missed some of the activities I did in high school and some of the moments that I didn’t enjoy to the fullest.

How to put yourself out there

Maybe the reason you havn’t yet put yourself out there is because the time isn’t right. Or maybe you’re anxious that people will judge you and think about you differently.

Let me tell you this, there will never be the right time to do something you’ve always wanted to do. There will never be a perfect opportunity, instead, you have to make that opportunity. When you start putting yourself out there it gets easier, I am telling you this from doing many things that I have been scared to do. Over time I have gotten better at doing them and I’m not as anxious anymore. Of course the anxious doesn’t fully go away but it isn’t raging and stopping me from doing it at all.

But if the problem with doing something new is that people will stare at you and think you’re weird I have a trick I use to help myself sometimes. I like to think that we’re in a simulation and it’s really only you who are conscious. Nobody else matters is which means nobody else cares what you are doing, they don’t care that you’ve messed up or done something stupid. Another tip is that most of the time people are too preoccupides to care what you’re doing. at all. Their lives are what’s most important to them and they are too occupied to spend even a spare second to think about what you’ve just done.



Violet Hunter

I’m an average college student intrested in learning about the world of writing.